Ashley Abbott

As the first quarter of 2019 comes to an end, I thought it would be fun (and so did Samantha Matthews - haha) to do a follow-up to my 2012 confessions list. I named it Ashley Abbott because I'm channeling her this week.  So in no particular order, here we go... 

  • I finally ended my one-side, fake relationship / friendship / bromance with Alero aka JT aka Dirty Justin Bieber but I'm feeling very Jason Hoppy-ish about it. All I need is a yellow dress and a baseball bat. 
  • I started a new job recently and I'm very happy about the potential.  Plus, they upgraded my parking so I'm really feeling official these days.  It's the little things... And the original parking was tragic.   
  • I really wish I could go back about 11 years before I met my ex Akeem.  What a piece of shit...  
  • When I started my new job, I didn't really tell anyone where for reasons that are my business.  However, so many folks took issue with not knowing.  I may have even lost 1-2 friends because of it. It's funny how your success will clash with someone else's ego and expectations.  
  • I'm supposed to attend a concert with a former coworker and her husband. However, there were will one person attending who used to be a really close friend. I'm still on the fence about going.  Right now, it's 50/50.  I want to go but the ticket was so cheap, it wouldn't really be a loss if I sit this one out.  Guess we'll see... 
  • I still haven't done my taxes.  Sigh...
  • Customer service is TRASH these days.  Instead of passing along family recipes, teach these kids how to be courteous.  
  • My new job doesn't believe in seasoning food in their cafe.  I guess everyone has issues these days with salt.  After you doctor it up, it's actually good though.  
  • I wonder how many folks know this blog is still "active" even though I haven't posted anything in years.  
  • I'm really sick of unavailable 'straight' guys who go out of their way to make you think you've got a shot only to yank the dick away in the end.  Why are you playing this dangerous game?  
  • One thing I've learned is that when you have an issue with someone and you confront them about it, you MUST say EXACTLY what you planned to say no matter how rough or hurtful it may be.  I have walked away from so many talks saying "bitch, why didn't you say this or that."  Total annihilation!  
  • Speaking of things I wanted to say... I wanted to tell Alero... "why don't you take off those raggedy ass jeans and that tired ass sweater that you've worn for the last month straight."  I truly think he's a little off.  I mean, who does that...
  • I genuinely dislike the people who live above me.  They have made my apartment living a nightmare. I can't wait to move. 
Now at this point, you're likely thinking... "Damn, this is all negative."  But it's really not; it's what's on my mind.  

  • Mornings make me happy; especially Saturday mornings.  I'm an early bird so the calm and quiet of the morning is really serene to me.  
  • Ashley Abbott is that bish!  She's the essence of Y&R.  
  • I'm really disturbed by the number of missed opportunities I've had with some guys.  I literally had one guy's cock in my hand because I told him it was "really nice" and yet nothing happened.  He was straight.  My friends ripped me to shreds for not doing anything.  
  • I'm really shy at the end of the day despite my friendliness.  
  • If you haven't watched Feud: Bette & Joan, please do yourself a favor and do so.  I connected with both women but mainly Bette.  
  • I came to a startling realization recently... most of the 22+ year old 'trash' that I entertain has some type of daddy issue.  With me being slightly older, I provided that connection on a certain level.  However, it finally hit me even though it was obvious to anyone watching at home.  I too have daddy issues.  And that's why I entertained them the way that I did.  Make sense?  Yeah, not to me either.  
  • I really want to go to a cabin for a few days and do nothing but decompress.  I remember the time I went home to Arkansas because Atlanta was killing me.  My family took me fishing.  Imagine me, sitting on a bucket, fishing under some amazingly sunny weather.  Blissful and calming in a way you'll never understand.  
  • Now that I'm getting older, I really connect with Blanche Devereaux's issues with aging.  The shit is real.  
  • I often wonder if I'll ever get married or have a long term relationship. 
  • You ever just entertain some trash ass person because you're bored?  Yeah, me too.  
  • As a kid, I would always cover my bottom lip with my top lip.  I still find myself doing it now when I'm deep in thought.  
  • I have the world's best mother.  She always gets it right.  And she still calls me her baby even though I'm in my 30's.  Endless love.  
  • I started to write a new book and then life happened.  I'm so happy I finished Three the Hard Way when I did.  I really don't think I have the energy to do another one.  I'm like the Spruce Goose.  
  • It's Miss Juicy baby! 
  • I've never wanted a house house. Give me a high rise apartment, condo or penthouse and I'm happy.  Still going to make that happen.  
  • I follow way too much porn on Twitter.   


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